Serving in Haiti and around the world to train Haitian people and nationals since 1998
After a mission trip to the country of the Philippines, God burdened my heart to reach out to train nationals in the regions beyond Haiti once a year as God leads.
God has allowed me to help start Heartbeat Baptist Bible College in the Philippines with Pastor/Missionary Jim Johnson. It was a blessing to return and participate in the first graduation of this school.
God continues to open doors in many areas of ministry to share the Gospel with others.
I have been asked to consider training nationals in Africa, Cuba, Trinidad and also help in projects to help police and first responders get the Word of God into their hands.
I am currently taking donations for the next trip if anyone is interested.
Donations for the "Apostle Paul Ministry" can be sent to
Central Missionary Clearinghouse: marked "Ledbetters" at
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, TX. 77218
or online and donate at