Serving in Haiti and around the world to train Haitian people and nationals since 1998
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I was a police officer for 16 years before the Lord called me into the ministry. Kim was a secretary for a local water company. While a police officer, there was a local motorcycle gang in the mid-west called "The Cloven Hooves" which my cousin was a member of.
One day my cousin which was on the opposite side of the law came to my door. Because of our position on both sides of the spectrum, we seldom had anything in common. As I opened the door I noticed he looked different than I remembered. He had a haircut, didn't have his gang colors on and presented himself as a changed person. As he spoke to me, he said "Tony, I love you" and I want to invite you to Revival at Calvary Baptist Church. My cousin had accepted Christ and wanted me to do the same. He had a compassion and concern for my soul. During that Revival I realized I was lost and a sinner. I realized because of my sin, I was condemned to death. I repented of my sins and received Jesus Christ by faith. A short time later, Kim also accepted Jesus Christ and we both began serving the Lord with our lives.
After being baptized by emmersion and becoming a member of Calvary Baptist Church, we began serving in any way possible. For five years we served there and trusted the Lord to guide our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and by God's Word. We grew during those five years. A short time later God began to move in our hearts and utilized a conference with national pastors to begain to plant seeds in our hearts concerning missions.
God used two short term mission trips which began to water the seeds in our hearts for missions. We both surrendered for full time service on August 9, 1992. A short time later I began Bible College and graduated in May of 1995. We began to seek God's direction and through a mission trip to Jamaica, God put a call in our hearts for the country of Haiti. We arrived in Haiti in December 1998. God has blessed our ministry and continues to use us in the area of missions to reach Haitians and the world for Christ.
Tony completed his doctrate in May 2018
After 11 years of living in Haiti, Kim got very sick and could no longer live in the country, therefore, God opened up another door of serving the Haitians in the states and still work in Haiti on a regular basis.
Kim's illness includes thyroid, pancreatic problems, SOD, and digestive issues. She has blood work every six weeks and many times cannot function. However, God still meets our needs and allows me (Tony) to continue to serve in Haiti and with Haitian churches in the states.
After returning to the states the doctor found many toxins in Kim's body including diesel fuel. Her recovery will be lengthy and challenging.
Kim still has many health issues including both knees are bone on bone, Naropathy in both feet and arthritis.
Much of Kim's ministry now is a prayer ministry from our home. She has difficulty walking and would appreciate your prayers.
1. We believe in the verbal and plenary inspiration of the Scriptures. We believe that the Scriptures reveal God, the fall of man, the way of Salvation and God’s plan and purpose in every period of time.
2. We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and that these three agree in one. One God in three persons.
3. We believe in the Deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was perfect in his life upon earth and that He satisfied all the demands of the Holiness of God, and was the only one who could atone for sin.
4. We believe that salvation is by grace, plus nothing and minus nothing, and the conditions to salvation are repentance and faith.
5. We believe that one is justified by grace through faith alone and is accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
6. We believe that believers are eternally saved and are accountable to God for the lives they live after conversion, knowing that they shall face Jesus Christ at His Judgment Seat.
7. We believe that baptism is only for those who have repented and received Christ as Lord and Savior and that the only scriptural mode of baptism is by immersion.
8. We believe in the visible, personal and pre-millennial return of Jesus.
9. We believe in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.
10. We believe that the Great Commission applies to every Christian.
We believe the KJV (Authorized Version) is the preserved Word of God for the English speaking Nations and therefore use this translation for English speaking people.